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Energetic Innovators

For climate-conscious living with a small carbon footprint, access to alternative energy sources is crucial. Innovators and ­entrepreneurs from around the world are finding approaches to emissions ­r­eduction that meet the needs of individuals, households and companies. Together, energy consumed in… Read More »Energetic Innovators

Das Biogas Designs Wastewater recycling treatment system for Aquaculture Project at Anglo Ashanti – Iduapriem

To create a sustainable future of shared value with all stakeholders, AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Mine has implemented, among other things, an Aquaculture project to address unemployment within its host communities. The system, which is designed to treat fishwaster water from… Read More »Das Biogas Designs Wastewater recycling treatment system for Aquaculture Project at Anglo Ashanti – Iduapriem

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